If I had to choose between either the adventures I take, the trips, the incredible experiences I enjoy as a member of the travel industry or the team God has blessed me with at 3D Travel, it would be no contest.
I’d choose my team every time.
I’m glad you’re here. I invite you to join me on the journey as I find my voice and share my life out loud.
If I had to choose between either the adventures I take, the trips, the incredible experiences I enjoy as a member of the travel industry or the team God has blessed me with at 3D Travel, it would be no contest.
I’d choose my team every time.
Truth is difficult. Pain is part of our journey and as parents, all we ever want is to spare our children from it. We want it so much our flesh tries to force us into seeing safety in other people and places because we crave it so badly. And then we play pretend and unwittingly force our children to do the same thing. Our very desire to create a feeling of safety takes the actual safety away.
It wasn’t that I was pretending to BE someone else, actually. What I was doing is never allowing my own needs or wants to be considered or even realized. From the smallest decisions - where shall we eat dinner? To the largest ones - where shall we live for the rest of our lives? I didn’t even ask myself what I wanted. I didn’t even want to know. I only wanted to know how I could “show love” to others by doing what they wanted. In the process I completely lost who I was.
God really does have to come first. And I mean, all in. I need to wake up and thank Him for the day. I need to take all things to Him each day - my fears, concerns, worries, struggles & my thankfulness, joy overflowing, gratefulness. ALL of IT!
I know it’s just one day, and it’s supposed to be a day where I can do anything I want to do, but keeping it real? I just want to wallow in my sadness until my man is back home.
And after much prayer and increasing layers of deep study, God revealed the answer to him as a complete thought; a balm to his questioning soul. Noah doesn’t trust others because he had his trust severely broken as a small child. Monsters are out there. He saw it himself.
And with that, It was a whole new world. I am a HUGGER. I was emotional with every single hug, grabbed hand, shoulder pat I received or gave away.