Day #1 - Stress Recovery - the day of Rest that was LOUD
On Sundays, we have church in our living room.
Because Covid 19, that’s why.
And because my people still gather in my home, I’m okay with it. At the beginning of this chaos, David made a HUGE batch of Gluten Free Buttermilk Biscuits & we froze them in sets of 12, reheating them only on Sunday mornings. And let me tell you, they are little bits of heaven. It definitely has helped with missing out on our morning Sunday services together. Our church is huge. I have no immediate hope we’ll get to gather together as a congregation anytime soon.
Our sermon was streamed into our home with our pastor holding a parrot “Monk” on his shoulder that had flown into the coffee shop windows of our empty campus in Dallas. He was tame and sweet, ready to share the moment. And quiet! So quiet. Maybe I need another parrot?
Spontaneous Flowers from precious Molly. XOXO
After church, we spent the day relaxing until it was time to meet with our community group. IN PERSON. I’ve never been so excited to see people one-on-one. I even got to HUG THEM.
And with that, It was a whole new world. I am a HUGGER. I was emotional with every single hug, grabbed hand, shoulder pat I received or gave away. David is our leader - I suppose I’m the co-leader, but really I just facilitate - and he decided we were meeting in person. I’m so thankful.
I told him on the way to group, how grateful I am to NOT have to make some of these decisions. I’ll tell you the truth, I just don’t even know that I’m capable. I haven’t seen a leader rise up to give me confidence outside of our 4 walls. I’m trusting the leader within.
We stepped out of our car, into the garage & we heard them laughing before we even walked in.
Our house was full of young adults - all college students or grads, except for Hannah who is wrapping up high school this spring. And they chose - again - to gather in our home.
I rejoice every day they trust us, choose us, gather here. I love to feed them, hug them, laugh with them, definitely laugh AT them & sometimes, cry with them. It’s all SO GOOD.
My Day was SHOCKINGLY Great!
God is so gracious to me. My 1st Day off of work was one blessing after another. From worship to biscuits, flowers to hugs, laughter to love, I’m thankful.
I’m going to make it through.
Because EVERY moment is to be savored.